Table of Contents
We’re happy to announce that HQSMS has changed into SMSAPI! We’re convinced that the new name will better reflect our service approach – it’s still a High-Quality SMS service. Still, since our reliability and quality became quite evident to our customers, we’d decided to rebrand. We want to provide you with maximum comfort and simplicity with our service experience. The best way to show our new attitude is to name our platform simply: SMSAPI.
We change for you
SMSAPI is just a new name for a well-known brand. No merger and acquisition or change of ownership took place. Service Terms of Use remain in force and do not require re-approval.
If you’re worried that something will change for you or require your involvement – be sure that none of such things will happen. Everything will happen automatically. If that changes, for any reason – be sure that you’ll be noticed soon enough to know about it.
The name change will not affect who your consultant is. Of course, along with the new name, there is a new domain – smsapi.com. That includes e-mail addresses – if you want to contact us, use our new domain. Previous e-mail addresses will continue to be operational for the next few months.
New name – new look
We really hope that you’ll like our service under the new brand, logo, and materials, and we’ll continue our partnership for both-sided satisfaction. If you have any questions – please get in touch with us.
Quick Q&A
Q: Did HQSMS change because some change of ownership took place?
A: Absolutely not – no merger and acquisition or change of ownership took place. SMSAPI (former HQSMS) still belongs to the same company it used to. We want our new name to reflect our business approach better. That’s all!
Q: Do I have to accept new Terms of Use or any documents?
A: No. Because the owner remains the same, all consents, accounts, signed contracts don’t change, and no additional approval is necessary.
Q: Will this change somehow affect my account?
A: The answer is no. Your account login or password won’t change. Your account manager is still the same. Basically, you shouldn’t notice any significant changes.
Q: Does SMSAPI has a new price list for its services?
A: Pricelist doesn’t change because of the new name. Be sure to always check current prices for SMS campaigns you want to perform.
Q: What about the hqsms.com domain?
A: When you try to visit the hqsms.com site will redirect you to the new domain smsapi.com. In case you need to contact us (+353 76 888 72 52) or via e-mail. Old e-mail addresses will continue to be operational for the next few months.