
Combining SMS marketing theory and practice – discover the newest trends and business applications of A2P SMS and other mobile communication channels.

Tech Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Tech Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below you’ll find the most frequently asked questions regarding the technical side of the SMSAPI Customer Portal. Rafał from the SMSAPI Tech Department answers them for you!

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3 passi per costruire un database clienti univoco per le tue campagne di marketing SMS

3 passi per costruire un database clienti univoco per le tue campagne di marketing SMS

Hai mai sentito parlare del principio di Pareto? Esso afferma che l’80 per cento del tuo business proviene dal 20 per cento dei tuoi clienti. Pertanto, non conoscere la propria clientela potrebbe rivelarsi il più costoso degli errori. Per raggiungere il giusto pubblico e moltiplicare il ROI (ritorno sugli investimenti) delle campagne di marketing con […]

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How to Sell an Abandoned Cart in an Online Store or App?

How to Sell an Abandoned Cart in an Online Store or App?

Is SMS an effective tool for recovering abandoned carts? Let’s find out!

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GDPR in SMS Marketing – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

GDPR in SMS Marketing – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Many months have passed since the introduction of the new regulation. Although there are many materials to make the implementation easier, we still receive questions about GDPR in the context of SMS marketing. In this FAQ we have collected and responded to the most frequently discussed issues.

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5 Ways to Increase Website Traffic

5 Ways to Increase Website Traffic

Running out of ideas how to drive traffic to your e-commerce? When standard tools and activities (Display, Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) are not enough, I suggest turning to simpler yet effective solutions. All you need is a good contact database. Discover SMS marketing — a practical method of boosting traffic on your brand’s website.

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Conseils pour réduire l’abandon de panier en e-commerce

Conseils pour réduire l’abandon de panier en e-commerce

Vous définissez un budget pour attirer de nouveaux prospects, vous les menez jusqu’à un tunnel de conversion, vous suscitez leur intérêt, et au dernier moment, ils abandonnent leur commande et quittent votre page d’achat. Ce scénario vous parle ? Pour tenter de remédier à ce problème nous vous proposons un tour d’horizon des outils et […]

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