Combining SMS marketing theory and practice – discover the newest trends and business applications of A2P SMS and other mobile communication channels.

Sistema HLR (Home Location Register): valida un número de base de contactos
¿Cómo validar un número de teléfono? Conoce el sistema Home Location Register (HLR), un servicio que te permitirá comprobar los contactos en tu base de datos para desactivar los que ya no están activos. HLR lookup reduce el coste de comunicación y marketing por SMS. ¡Aprende cómo aprovechar la validación de números en tu sector!
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3 Simple Steps to Create a Unique Consumer Database for Your SMS Marketing Campaign
Have your heard about the Pareto Principle? It says that 80 percent of your business comes from 20 percent of your clients. Not knowing your customers might be the most expensive mistake you have made. To reach your target audience and multiply ROI of marketing campaings, you should build your own exclusive database.
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Expert says: Customer Experience Over The Phone: Delight Your Audience
If you run a business, then you probably already know the importance of customer experience. For every company, having satisfied customers is half the battle to success. Meeting their needs both in terms of the products or services offered and customer experience will be very beneficial for business. Providing a high level of after-sales service […]
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Emojis in SMS Marketing and Business Communication
Since a few days you can use emoji in your SMS created and send via SMSAPI customer panel. Still – not many brands use such feature, that’s why it’s a perfect way to differentiate your business from the competition. While adding emoji, remember that it uses as much as special character in SMS – so in 1 SMS with 70 characters you can put 35 emojis.
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SMS Marketing en el comercio electrónico: guía fundamental
El mensaje SMS: un verdadero clásico. Podrás pensar que en el comercio electrónico moderno no hay lugar para este tipo de soluciones, pero resulta que en algunos casos termina siendo una herramienta mucho más eficaz que las demás formas de comunicación con cliente. Notificaciones instantáneas, estados de entrega y mantenimiento de conversaciones bidireccionales: ese es el […]
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WhatsApp Business API – what it is, and how to use the new communication channel?
Discover WhatsApp Business API, a solution that will expand and upgrade your B2C communication. Read how to implement and use one of the most popular online communicators as a business solution.
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