Mobile Communication and SMS Marketing Explained

How to get a conversion from 160 characters? Discover successful bulk SMS campaigns, automated text messaging and other applications of mobile communication channels for companies.

Do it yourself #01 – Customer Portal Walkthrough (video tutorial)

Do it yourself #01 – Customer Portal Walkthrough (video tutorial)

Welcome to the first episode of the SMSAPI Do It Yourself video tutorial. This series is a great way to start with SMS marketing and automated SMS notifications. Buckle up, and let’s have a short walk through the SMSAPI Customer Portal.

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iQueue – Smart Ticket Management System with SMS Authentication

iQueue – Smart Ticket Management System with SMS Authentication

Although SMS communication is in most cases a business-only solution, there are some notable exceptions. One of them is the iQueue project. Created by a group of Portuguese students, the iQueue app is a smart answer to ticket collecting. As expected from an eco- and mobile-friendly solution, it uses an SMS authentication. But there’s more […]

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WhatsApp Business API – what it is, and how to use the new communication channel?

WhatsApp Business API – what it is, and how to use the new communication channel?

Discover WhatsApp Business API, a solution that will expand and upgrade your B2C communication. Read how to implement and use one of the most popular online communicators as a business solution.

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Benefits of the short URLs in SMS messaging

Benefits of the short URLs in SMS messaging

Although an ordinary SMS message contains only 160 characters, you can easily add more content with short URLs.

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Basics of Content Marketing in SMS Campaigns

Basics of Content Marketing in SMS Campaigns

In the times of omnipresent technology, we receive an enormous amount of information from far and near – no matter if we want it or not. Colourful billboards, product placement while watching your favourite series or looped video full of ads – the man on the street is inundated with 100 messages a day. However, one […]

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4 Baby Steps to Begin with SMS Messaging

4 Baby Steps to Begin with SMS Messaging

Did you know that 61% of people check their phones within five minutes after waking up? We do shopping on public transportation, looking for discounts and checking products on Instagram – with our noses in our phones. Isn’t it a great chance to send SMS with a significant discount to help the customer to make […]

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