Mobile Communication and SMS Marketing Explained
How to get a conversion from 160 characters? Discover successful bulk SMS campaigns, automated text messaging and other applications of mobile communication channels for companies.

Crisis communication management via SMS message
Why in the era of ubiquitous messengers and social media, do brands prefer to send the most critical updates via SMS? The old standard of text messages helps public institutions, offices, and companies to effectively communicate safety and health matters. Its huge advantage is immediate, direct access, without the need for an Internet connection or […]
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SMS commerciali – 4 modi per usare la messaggistica automatizzata (guida)
La comunicazione via SMS è molto più della semplice messaggistica orientata alle vendite. Scopri come la tua azienda può beneficiare della messaggistica automatizzata. Gli SMS commerciali sono considerati uno standard negli ambiti dell’e-commerce e dell’assistenza clienti, ma possono rivelarsi utilissimi anche in altri contesti. Di seguito, ti esporremo alcune casistiche d’utilizzo tipiche, chiarendo come sia […]
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La unión del deporte y la IT – entrevista con Tomasz Cybulski de ProTrainUp
Las soluciones modernas se han asentado en el deporte para bien. Las novedades tecnológicas no solo están presentes en los estadios, el equipamiento y los accesorios, sino también en los bolsillos de entrenadores y jugadores. Sobre estos servicios hablo con el cofundador de ProTrainUp, una empresa que ha irrumpido con fuerza en el mercado sport […]
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SMS Personalization – How To? (guide)
Why keeping your contacts base always up-to-date, with all essential data like name, sex, age or address, gives you a huge advantage when creating SMS campaigns? Because you can use that information to personalize your campaigns! Read the basic know-how on to personalize SMS messages.
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5 SMS Marketing Tools You Might Not Have Heard About
SMS marketing is most often associated with bulk SMS. However, there are many sophisticated tools at its disposal worth getting acquainted with. It goes without saying that the efficiency of marketing in a particular channel depends on how well you know it. I will try to introduce the lesser-known SMS marketing tools and provide hints […]
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One billion SMS, Business Gazelle, 80 million of revenue – Summary of 2019 at SMSAPI
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Business Gazelle. This is the fifth consecutive time that the jury of the most dynamically growing small and medium companies ranking recognized SMSAPI. We would like to present to you the key events and achievements that made it possible.
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