Mobile Communication and SMS Marketing Explained

How to get a conversion from 160 characters? Discover successful bulk SMS campaigns, automated text messaging and other applications of mobile communication channels for companies.

Your first home electronics SMS campaign (walkthrough)

Your first home electronics SMS campaign (walkthrough)

In the next episode of our guide we’ll be focusing on TV, radio and home appliances branch. This is one of the toughest branch, with many competitors, that’s why lowest price is no longer deciding factor. So what is? Customer service! If you owe an online store (or e-commerce is another sales channel), you know how important is to give your customer his order current status.

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Code of Good Practice: SMS Advertising

Code of Good Practice: SMS Advertising

Mobile marketing utilizing bulk SMS is a very efficient method of reaching a wide range of consumers as well as relationship building. There are certain rules you should abide by though. Following them results not only in increased conversions but also help you to refine your target groups.

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SMS Notifications for e-commerce – Magento integration

SMS Notifications for e-commerce – Magento integration

We are proudly presenting the SMS Notification extension for the Magento2 platform! It’s an official SMSAPI integration, available for free on the Magento Marketplace. Discover the potential of SMS communication and learn how to automate SMS Notifications in your e-commerce.

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It’s Only an SMS but I Like It ?

It’s Only an SMS but I Like It ?

When was the last time you’ve received an SMS? This morning, an hour ago, a minute ago? According to a recent study, more than 90 percent of people read their text messages just after receiving them. Just think about how could your company benefit from this exceptionally high and fast open rate?

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Timing Is The Key – About SMS in Human Resources Management and Quality Control

Timing Is The Key – About SMS in Human Resources Management and Quality Control

Welcome to an interview with Robert Majer – marketing manager at Exact Systems. We talk about the modern approach to human resources management and quality control. The focus is on the speed of reaction to crises, reliability of solutions and the role of SMS communication in the company employing over 5500 controllers in factories all […]

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How to Accurately Measure the Effectiveness of SMS Campaigns?

How to Accurately Measure the Effectiveness of SMS Campaigns?

The Nielsen study says that as many as 46% of people who receive an SMS make a purchase afterwards. According to our research, a direct response to a message sent to a naturally built database ranges from 15 to 40 per cent. How to measure the exact effectiveness of SMS marketing?

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