Mobile Communication and SMS Marketing Explained
How to get a conversion from 160 characters? Discover successful bulk SMS campaigns, automated text messaging and other applications of mobile communication channels for companies.

Links in SMS + Marketing Cloud = Data!
Welcome to the very first guest entry on our blog! Jan Biłyk, CEO at Laurens Coster – the company specializing in analysis, automatization and personalization of brand’s data, will walk you through the SMS campaigns based on links.
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Better, faster, stronger – Business Gazelle 2018
This is the fourth time in a row when we have received the Business Gazelle award. This time, however, the prize is of exceptional importance as we have never been so highly rated. We took 52. place in the nationwide Polish ranking and 6th in the Silesian region. We have therefore jumped 210 places upwards […]
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Conseils pour réduire l’abandon de panier en e-commerce
Vous définissez un budget pour attirer de nouveaux prospects, vous les menez jusqu’à un tunnel de conversion, vous suscitez leur intérêt, et au dernier moment, ils abandonnent leur commande et quittent votre page d’achat. Ce scénario vous parle ? Pour tenter de remédier à ce problème nous vous proposons un tour d’horizon des outils et […]
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Well, it happens that we broke the record again! Summary of 2018 (infographic)
The beginning of the year is a great opportunity to sum up our achievements and important events. Apparently, we have something to celebrate, our customers have sent a record amount of SMS messages: 990 million!
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Migrating Away From Bower
Why? In the long-living project, I was working on, the portion of frontend javascript code was dependent on a mix of bower packages and node modules that were concatenated into a bundle using grunt. We decided to migrate away from Bower as it was an unneeded dependency. It introduced a potential security hole (which turned […]
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SMS Marketing: 6 επιχειρήματα που μιλούν από μόνα τους!
“Οι άνθρωποι δεν αγοράζουν αυτό που κάνεις, αλλά το γιατί το κάνεις” ~ Simon Sinek. Πριν ξεκινήσετε το ταξίδι σας με το SMS marketing θα πρέπει πρώτα να ανακαλύψετε το γιατί και να καταστρώσετε ένα λεπτομερές σχέδιο στόχους και metrics επιτυχίας (s.m.a.r.t. goals & MOSes). Κάθε ενέργειά σας πρέπει να έχει έναν λόγο και εμείς […]
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