Mobile Communication and SMS Marketing Explained
How to get a conversion from 160 characters? Discover successful bulk SMS campaigns, automated text messaging and other applications of mobile communication channels for companies.

Say Hello to Permission Marketing
What’s the permission marketing and why it is so important to remember about the consent which goes further than checkboxes? It’s a matter of respect for privacy, time and common sense. Without them, you will be forever stuck on a spam heap. Finally, how can you use this knowledge in your company’s communication?
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À propos de la réglementation RGPD chez SMS Marketing (FAQ)
Plusieurs mois se sont écoulés depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle réglementation RGPD. Bien qu’une multitude de ressources soient mis à disposition, nous continuons à recevoir énormément de questions à son sujet. Dans le cadre de cette FAQ SMS API, nous avons décidé de répondre aux questions les plus fréquemment posées au sujet du […]
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Il marketing SMS di Gino Rossi
Quali sono gli aspetti più importanti del marketing SMS e regole per una campagna SMS multipli efficace? Scrivere contenuti coinvolgenti, selezionare il giusto gruppo di target, soddisfare le preferenze del pubblico di riferimento e la sua privacy. In altre parole, conformarsi alle linee guida dei contenuti e dei permessi per il marketing. La comunicazione via […]
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How SMS Marketing Works at Gino Rossi?
What’s the most important in SMS marketing? Surely, you have to remember about writing engaging content, selecting proper target group and abiding audience’s preferences and privacy. In other words, you have to abide to content and permission marketing guidelines. SMS communication conducted by Gino Rossi company is an example of consistent and well-thought multi-channel marketing.
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SMSAPI PHP client new version released
SMSAPI PHP client has been on market for 6 years. Ever since it has been downloaded at least 130.000 times according to Packagist statistics. That’s a great success for us and encouragement that keeps us focused on our library quality every day. We would like to announce that a brand new version of SMSAPI PHP client 2.0 […]
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5 Wege zu mehr Website-Zugriffen
Keine Ideen mehr, wie Sie Ihrem Online-Geschäft mehr Traffic verschaffen können? Wenn Standardwerkzeuge und Aktivitäten (Schaufenster, Google-Werbung, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.) nicht mehr reichen, kann ich Ihnen ganz einfache, aber wirksame Lösungen vorschlagen. Sie brauchen nichts weiter als eine gute Kontaktdatenbank. Entdecken Sie SMS-Marketing – eine praktische Methode, die Aufrufe Ihrer Marken-Website anzukurbeln.
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