Mobile Communication and SMS Marketing Explained

How to get a conversion from 160 characters? Discover successful bulk SMS campaigns, automated text messaging and other applications of mobile communication channels for companies.

Using puppeteer to find missing translations

Using puppeteer to find missing translations

In the last quarter we’ve been developing multi-language version of our website. In a short time, we have worked on additional 5 languages aside of 2 basic versions. More and more are on a horizon but there was doubt lingering if we’re covering all our text in translation.

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Επιτυχημένο SMS marketing σε μόλις 6 μηνύματα

Επιτυχημένο SMS marketing σε μόλις 6 μηνύματα

Έξι μήνες, 6 μηνύματα – αυτό είναι το μόνο που χρειάζεται για να παρουσιάσει κανείς μια επιτυχημένη επικοινωνία μέσω SMS. Για παράδειγμα έχουμε την εταιρεία υπηρεσιών σοφέρ – AUTO AWA.

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Password: SMS. How can a text message become an element of multi-factor authentication?

Password: SMS. How can a text message become an element of multi-factor authentication?

Companies operating online try various ways to defend themselves against illegal access to their client’s data. Even a solid password, created following the guidelines required by network administrators, may not be the best weapon against online thieves. Then, multi-factor authentication, including SMS verification, may become the right choice to avoid data leakages.

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DSGVO im SMS-Marketing – Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)

DSGVO im SMS-Marketing – Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)

Seit Einführung der neuen Vorschrift sind viele Monate vergangen. Es gibt zwar viele Materialien, die die Umsetzung vereinfachen, aber uns erreichen immer noch Fragen zur DSGVO im Zusammenhang mit SMS-Marketing. In dieser FAQ haben wir die am häufigsten angesprochenen Punkte gesammelt und beantwortet.

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LINK Conversations – from simple text messaging to real-time conversational interfaces

LINK Conversations – from simple text messaging to real-time conversational interfaces

The unspecified date of RCS launch across Europe is cooling the market enthusiasm and makes us look for other technologies that will enrich the contact of brands with customers. Noteworthy is conversational messaging, which combines rich media channels – Messenger, RCS, and the webchat. Will these solutions help in the faster implementation of RCS in […]

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Summary of 2017 – animation

Summary of 2017 – animation

Last year we ended with some spectacular successes and bold decisions towards our future – check this out!

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