Mobile Communication and SMS Marketing Explained

How to get a conversion from 160 characters? Discover successful bulk SMS campaigns, automated text messaging and other applications of mobile communication channels for companies.

E-mail Booster – SMS that supports e-mail marketing!

E-mail Booster – SMS that supports e-mail marketing!

We have just launched a new feature! Starting now, you will be able to make your e-mail marketing more effective with a little SMS help. E-mail Booster, a simple tool available in SMSAPI Customer Portal, will enhance your productivity, e-mail open rates and customer engagement. Interesting, isn’t it?

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How to get 97 percent of infuenced customers in targeted SMS campaign?

How to get 97 percent of infuenced customers in targeted SMS campaign?

Have you ever wondered how to engage 97% of your audience?. Yes, it is possible with personalized and targeted SMS marketing campaigns. Take a look!

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Summary of 2016 in SMSAPI – animation

Summary of 2016 in SMSAPI – animation

Here we are in 2017. The past year was full of successes, new business challenges and many spectacular results. We're presenting animated sum up of 2016 in SMSAPI

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Trends in mobile communication (infographic)

Trends in mobile communication (infographic)

Last year we have carried out a research ‘Trends in mobile communication’ and put together the results in a consistent report that shows the condition of mobile in e-commerce and retail shops in Poland.

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SMS in your branch: hotels

SMS in your branch: hotels

I should not explain how important it is to create your hotels’ image based on a clear communication. Your facility may be equipped with the best ancient furniture, be professionally designed and have the greatest decorations. Unfortunately, it won’t be useful if your online and offline appearance shows the opposite.

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SMS marketing in your branch: health & beauty

SMS marketing in your branch: health & beauty

This time let’s take a closer look at SMS marketing in health and beauty branch. Companies from this sector direct their messages to women mostly. That’s why sending properly profiled SMS is essential in this case.

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