Mobile Communication and SMS Marketing Explained
How to get a conversion from 160 characters? Discover successful bulk SMS campaigns, automated text messaging and other applications of mobile communication channels for companies.

How to keep the conversation going after Black Friday?
Black Week may be almost over, but that doesn’t mean the conversation with your customers has to stop. In fact, by using Black Friday and Cyber Monday as a springboard for the holiday season, if you have the right strategy in place, you can ensure customers return even after their holiday purchases.
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SMSAPI with ISO 27001 Certificate
Proudly announcing SMSAPI has been awarded the ISO 27001 certificate. It’s official now: we are offering the highest security standard.
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Omnichannel Approach to Customer Experience: The Future of E-commerce
The way we buy and sell is changing. Gone are the days of shopping in brick-and-mortar stores or waiting for your order to arrive by mail. Today’s consumers want to shop whenever they want, wherever they want – and retailers have responded with new strategies that deliver a seamless customer experience across channels.
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6 Mobile Marketing Strategies
The usage of mobile devices has seen a steady rise during the past years, and that trend doesn’t seem to stop.
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Sistema HLR (Home Location Register): valida un número de base de contactos
¿Cómo validar un número de teléfono? Conoce el sistema Home Location Register (HLR), un servicio que te permitirá comprobar los contactos en tu base de datos para desactivar los que ya no están activos. HLR lookup reduce el coste de comunicación y marketing por SMS. ¡Aprende cómo aprovechar la validación de números en tu sector!
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Un método para realizar pruebas CTG en casa: entrevista con Carebits
La cardiotocografía (CTG) es una de las pruebas a las que se debe someter la mujer durante el embarazo. Desde hace poco, esta prueba se puede realizar en casa por cuenta propia, sin tener que desplazarse y esperar en un hospital. Hablamos con Eugeniusz Formaniuk de Carebits, fabricante polaco de equipos móviles para las pruebas […]
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