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Gym and fitness clubs are great if you want to improve your shape, reduce body fat or just increase physical fitness. Most people like to take part in fitness classes or work under the eye of a personal trainer. All those activities listed above are great if done regularly. This is when the SMS communication comes in handy!
SMS saves time
It’s very popular for gym and fitness clubs staff to send SMS to customers manually. They type and send messages from mobile phones about changes in the opening hours or to inform about the upcoming club card expiry date.
If you’re running club and have lots of customers it’s simply not effective and time-consuming to send all those messages manually. Sending SMS automatically or connecting it with CRM is definitely a more convenient way to spread information among your customers.
The integration not only saves time but also makes the process error-proof. You can easily schedule automatic messages and SMS reminders via API or using the Portal.
SMS increases customer service quality
One of the biggest advantages of a bulk SMS gateway is a fact, that you can personalize all messages automatically. The system replaces the name of a recipient that’s assigned to a specific phone number.
It’s proven, that such messages make your customers feel unique and important. Moreover – one of SMSAPI features allows you to define time and date when and to who message should be sent. So you can be sure it reaches the specific customer at the most convenient time.
SMS texts examples
We always try to show examples of messages, to inspire your own actions. Here’s how a gym or fitness club can use SMS messaging to communicate with club members:
Notice that a simple pass expiration notification might be an excellent occasion to upsell or cross-sell your other services. Furthermore, don’t forget to add shortened links to save those precious characters. They will also help you to measure the effectiveness of your messages.