HLR Lookup Number Validation

A perfect solution for anyone who:

  • wants to keep high-quality mobile database clean and up-to-date
  • doesn't like wasting money on messages that don't reach its recipients due to invalid mobile number
  • has to make sure that a specific mobile number belongs to a mobile provider that is covered by our service

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Which operator does the number belong to?

A few words on phone number verification with HLR

HLR (Home Location Register)

HLR stands for Home Location Register. It is part of the telecommunication infrastructure used in mobile networks to store information on subscribers which supports connection pooling.

Why to use HLR?

Checking the number in the HLR database is a service implemented for more efficient database management. It allows you to check the home GSM network for the selected number and verify if the number is correct and active. Thanks to it, you can easily exclude wrong numbers from the database, and check which network the number belongs to.

Advantages of using HLR

Availability of such services makes it more convenient to buy/create number database, due to the possibility of advance checks on their quality. Additionally, segregation of numbers in a database according to their home GSM network can reduce costs of telephone calls carried out in a Call Center.

How to check numbers with SMSAPI?

There are three ways to check the number: single, from a file, or by API.

Single number

When you are logged in to the platform, pick ‘More functions' and ‘Check number' – HLR tab. Simply put the number you want to check in the text field. After just a few seconds, you'll receive information on the number's network and whether it had been ported before.

From a file

If you want to check more numbers, you can simply upload them to the platform from a .csv file. In this case, the process can take a little bit longer, so you can provide us with an e-mail address, and we will send you a notification when the report is ready to download in the Customer Portal.


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