
If your database contains phone numbers and other data (e.g. second names, age, cities, etc.), you can use them to personalize your SMS messages.

Personalization has always been an essential part of every marketing activity. It doesn't only allow you to appeal to individual preferences or target the right audience, but also boost engagement and conversion.

To apply the SMS personalization, you should remember about using appropriate parameters while creating the SMS content. These parameters are used to gather proper characteristics from the database and automatically add them into the message.

What else?

If the names in your database don't start with capital letters, you can easily fix it by adding the [%first_name:capital%] parameter. The system ensures every name having a valid record. For example, the name "michael" shall be automatically replaced by "Michael". Additional options are explained in the Customer Portal.

SMSAPI SMS Gateway on mobile devices



If your database contains phone numbers and other data (e.g. second names, age, cities, etc.), you can use them to personalize your SMS messages.

Personalization has always been an essential part of every marketing activity. It doesn't only allow you to appeal to individual preferences or target the right audience, but also boost engagement and conversion.

To apply the SMS personalization, you should remember about using appropriate parameters while creating the SMS content. These parameters are used to gather proper characteristics from the database and automatically add them into the message.

What else?

If the names in your database don't start with capital letters, you can easily fix it by adding the [%first_name:capital%] parameter. The system ensures every name having a valid record. For example, the name "michael" shall be automatically replaced by "Michael". Additional options are explained in the Customer Portal.

SMSAPI SMS Gateway on mobile devices

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