Virtual Mobile Numbers

Use 2Way SMS to receive messages from your customers.


  • instant feedback from customers
  • innovative communication channel
  • ability to execute creative marketing campaigns

Sign up in 30 seconds and get free SMS for start!

Benefits you get while using VMN

Building brand image

Using VMN can allow your company to get valuable information, e.g. how customers perceive its services or products, how much they like a given brand, or their opinion on important features, etc.

Such information, collected via prepared SMS surveys, can become an asset in further brand development.

Interaction with customers

Receiving SMS from your customers allows you to lead an interesting interaction with them.

Such feature can be used in e.g. SMS competitions, SMS polls, SMS surveys, SMS voting, action automation, security systems (registration, logging in, executing reserved activities on a website).

Simplicity of usage

There are several options of how you can receive SMS messages from your clients: via e-mail, SMS message, or using a callback address.

We're certain that thanks to its simplicity, the feature can be widely used by our customers.

Receiving SMS messages in the Customer Portal

Sign up for an account and activate your own Virtual Mobile Numbers

Received messages are available after logging into the SMSAPI Customer Portal.

Thanks to the available integration of API, you can set up receiving messages in your services and/or software.

Message notification

Our platform allows you to set up an e-mail/SMS notification about the received messages.

Register for free

Sign up in 30 seconds and get free SMS for start!

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