SMSAPI may disclose personal data to third party vendors and hosting partners who perform services for SMSAPI, in order to be able to deliver the services. The list of subprocessors is available here, in the "LINK Poland" file.
These third party vendors will only use the Personal Data for the purposes they were collected and in order to perform their services towards SMSAPI. The relationship to such third party vendors will be governed by a Data Processing Agreement.
LINK may disclose personal data of business contacts and visitors to the Site between all entities listed as subsidiaries in the LINK Mobility Group. LINK also has subsidiaries that are located outside the EU/EEA. Access to personal data from subsidiaries is protected by standard contractual clauses signed by LINK Mobility Group and all subsidiaries.
The disclosure of Personal Data to public bodies may occur if and to the extent required by law and current regulations.
Your personal data may be transferred to a third country (USA) based on your explicit content.
How does LINK ensure transfer to third countries in accordance with requirements coming from 01/2020 Recommendations by the EDBP?
Following the judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) of 16 July 2020 Data Protection Commissioner v. Facebook Ireland LTD, Maximillian Schrems, C-311/18 (“Schrems II”), and in the Recommendations 01/2020 from the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) adopted on 10 November 2020, the measures required in order for transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) require a higher level of specification and care on the side of the entities responsible for such transfers to comply with the GDPR.
LINK mobility implements the specified requirements in accordance with the steps below:
- Step 1: In LINK Mobility we know our transfers
LINK Mobility ensures through its contracts with third parties and its internal processes that transfers to countries outside the EEA do not take place without LINK Mobility’s knowledge and documentation of such transfer.
- Step 2: In LINK Mobility we verify the safeguard our transfer relies on
LINK Mobility does not rely on legacy safeguards for transfer (Privacy Shield and Safe Harbor). If any transfer is required, only European Commission adequacy decisions, and the current safeguards as listed under GDPR Article 46 are chosen.
- Step 3: Transfer under the law of the country in question
Transfer is performed only if the laws of the country in question, including any supplementary measures in place, do not prevent processing in compliance with the requirements for the applicable transfer.